Friday, February 27, 2009

Sushi & Starbucks treat!

Daniel took us out tonight for sushi & I was so excited! LOVE it! Kinley was all about going there so she could have, "Those bean things!" HA! All Cade likes to eat is the rice, but tonight he ate pretty good.
This was a quick week around our house before you knew it Friday was here! Kinley had softball practice Thursday night & did pretty good. The weather was nice & warm & it felt great to get outdoors for the evening. When she was batting she kept popping her hits straight up in the air & when practice was over I said, "Kinley, you were popping those balls up in the air!" & her reply (in an aggravated voice) was, "I know, I don't know what was wrong. I just wanted to get one good hit!" I explained that she was doing great no matter what, but she didn't think so!
Cade's first t-ball practice is Monday night! He's so excited! We have been practicing with him also. Daniel has let him hit off the tee for the past few weeks a couple of nights a week & Cade is really enjoying it. He's getting to play on a team with his best buddy Colton. They have been friends since they were 15 months old & now they are both 5 & getting to play t-ball together! Great memories!
Weather permiting-I will try to get some photos taken this weekend & get them posted!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Much of nothing

Well, the weekend has come & gone & it was back to work today. We had a good weekend around here, nothing too intresting. We lounged around the house on Saturday & got some things done around the house. Daniel went & helped my dad with his new shop he got. They moved some things into it & patched up the floor of the old shop. My dad is so weak he can't hardly work on anything without someone helping him. After about 3 hours Daniel had worn him out!
Daniel came on home & took me shopping. My thought was,"ME, you want to take me shopping?" Needless to say I was surprised! We had a nice dinner with the kiddos later that evening. We didn't get to take the kids anywhere fun like I had wanted to, well maybe next weekend.
We got a call tonight from Cade's baseball coach about his first practice! He's so excited! He thinks he such a big boy now that he gets to play baseball! Too cute! I can't wait to post pics of his first game! Or the uniform!
Isn't it funny what excites us once you have kids! It's the little things!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Woo hoo!! It's Friday!!

So glad the weekend is here! Even though I have NOTHING planned. I did get a date night in with the hubby though & we got in a good movie. We went to see "Taken". It was better than I thought it was going to be. If you get a chance you need to go see it. I was sore from being so tense during the movie. It's a lot of fast action & suspense!
Nothing planned for tomorrow (yet). I do want to go do something fun with the fam. Any suggestions? I know we will find something fun to do! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Spring? Are you here?

Okay let me just start out by saying today was a beautiful day! I'm so ready for nicer weather it's not even funny! Today was just a test though, since it's going to be in the 20's Saturday night.

I'm ready for spring flowers, days were I can open the windows & let in some fresh air, FLIP FLOPS (gosh am I ready for those), my heating bill to be less than $200 a month, and a nice glow on my pastey skin!! HA! Those are just a few of the things I am ready for this spring.
All in all it's been a good week around here. Just keepin' on rollin' until the weekend!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I LOVE this photo!

I have been editing some photos today online & I just absoulty LOVE this photo! Everything about it! The sand stuck to her legs, the sunkissed cheeks, the ocean breeze blowing her cute curls, waves crashing behind her! I think I'm going to pring this one in a large size & frame it at the house. Any suggestions for a good size?
All in all we had a good weekend. Not too much going around our crazy/busy household. Daniel had to work Saturday & so it was just me and the kids on Saturday for a while. Cade wanted to go spend some time with his dad at the store on Saturday & I was wanting to go shopping so, Kinley & I dropped him off & hit the ground running. We did a little shopping but I got discouraged. I hate looking for something specific & not being able to find it.
I wanted a new pair of jeans (and i'm talking just a basic pair). No fancy pockets, no $79 price tag (I know I'm cheap, but I would rather my kids look cute) just some plain basic jeans. No luck! Of course Kinley was running all over the store & I was trying to keep up with her & look at the same time. Maybe I'll have better luck next time! :)
All of my family is taking naps right now-even Daniel & he NEVER takes a nap! I'm going to enjoy the peace & quite as long as it last! HA!
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I lead a BORING life!

Not too much has happen around the Turbyfill household this weekend. Saturday the kids & I stayed in our jammies until about 1:00. (I will admit it felt great!) Daniel went crow hunting with some friends. (I don't know what is so fun about shooting a bird out of the air but whatever) I will say my darling husband surprised us and took us out for dinner this weekend. We had a good time! Kinley was not feeling good this weekend. She has a major head cold :(. I kept her home Sunday from church & we stayed in our jammies until lunch. I NEVER (I repeat)NEVER do that & it felt so good to just lounge around all weekend. Although I will admit I did get some stuff cleaned out of my closet that I have been needing to clean out for along time!

I found a new love this past weekend! Carmel frappuccino from Starbucks! LOVED IT! I'm not a big fan of cold coffee drinks but this one is a winner. Plus I don't want to spend $4 on a drink that I might not like. It's a hit. I loved it so much I had to have one Sunday too! Isn't it amazing what makes us happy in life. HA!
This week is not very intersting either-not too much going on here at our lil ol' household. I want to take the kids for a photo shoot this weekend, but might go shopping instead. All this warm weather makes me realize how much my kids have grown since short sleeve weather. We'll see what we can find.
Well until next time! C ya!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Finally Friday! It was a GREAT one!

It was a GREAT Friday! I had the day off & went on a field trip with Cade. We went to see, "Three Blind Mice" at the Arts Center. It was a cute play & he enjoyed me going with him. I took him to school for a little while so I could get some things done that I needed to do. He was okay with that since he could eat lunch with his friends & play outside & get a nap in. I picked him up early from school & we went to get Kinley.

Today is such a beautiful day outside!

It makes me so ready for spring it's not even funny! Isn't it amazing how sunshine just makes you fell better! On the way home from school today the kids & I were talking & just out of the blue Kinley asked me, "Do fireman's have to pay house bills?" (I don't know where this comes from) and I explain, "At their house or at the firestation?" Her response, "At their house." I tell here, "Yes, honey everyone has house bills." Kids come up with some of the wildest questions!

Cademan chimes in and says, "Why does Jesus live in heaven?" Kinley responds with, "He is everywhere & can see you all the time." I thought it was so cute! At least I am doing something right! They do listen! Hope everyone has a good weekend! I know we will! The weather is going to be great!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Cade Birthday

Okay, It's been a few days. We've been busy around the Turbyfill household. My BABY!!!! (Cade) turned 5 on Monday. I cannot believe that my youngest child is 5 years old!! We got him new bedroom furniture for his room. Daniel painted his room last Sunday & Cade knew that we ordered his furniture, but he did not know that it was coming in on his birthday. Daniel met the delivery guys on Monday (Feb 2) & got everything set up & then I met him here & made sure it was set up the way I wanted it to look. I got all his bedding on the bed & his new lamp set up by his nightstand. I just stood back & thought, " My baby is now a big boy!". It's amazing how the time flies by! We let Cade pick where he wanted to eat on his birthday & he wanted to go to IHOP for breakfast. When we got home he saw his room & was like , "WOW! My big boy room!"
He was so excited. Here are a couple of photos from his birthday & his new room.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

A fun day at the park

Okay, so I'm going to give this blogging thing a try. I have found that I can capture so many thought, feeling, & our family history this way. Also to not forget the little things in life that I want my kids to remember about their life. Where was blogging when they were little? I will start by telling a little about our history. We have 2 bundles of joy that bring so much laughter to our lives. Kinley is 7 years old and a total girly-girl, but give her a softball & she is full on tomboy. Cade will be 5 tomorrow (my where has the time gone?). I'm married to my highschool sweetheart, Daniel, he's the love of my life & I don't know where I would be without him today. We will be married 12 years in April. So here goes. Hope you enjoy!