Tuesday, November 3, 2009

No much going on!

We have had no excitement the last few days in this household! Homework with Cade has been our biggest challange. He just does not have any desire to do it. Reading, no desire! Hope it clicks soon because this momma is getting super frustrated with him not working hard & pushing himself to learn more.
The little socialite in the house (Kinley) has a very busy weekend this weekend. She has 2 birthday parties & a girls night to the movies. Busy, busy!
Daniel on the otherhand has been rapped up in the World Series this week. He's like a kids in a candy store!
Will post more later when there is some news of our life!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fell off the wagon! & Happy Halloween!

Ok so I have offically fallen off the blog wagon. But, my life is not that intersting & I'm sure pretty much nobody reads this. Anyways it's a daily scrapbook of my family & our life. I hope to have it printed some day & my kids can read about some of the little things they might forget.

We had a great weekend Trick or Treating with some great friends. We had a nice little dinner & rounded the block to let the kids gather some candy. They had a blast! I think they had more fun handing out the candy than receiving it!

Daniel got a wild hair this weekend too & bought me a new car!!! I don't have it yet but will get it later this week! We got another Acadia (a white one)! I really loved my car & was not looking to buy but we got a good deal & it has leather (thank goodness! That is a must with kids!!!!!)

Here's a few pics from Halloween!!!