We have had no excitement the last few days in this household! Homework with Cade has been our biggest challange. He just does not have any desire to do it. Reading, no desire! Hope it clicks soon because this momma is getting super frustrated with him not working hard & pushing himself to learn more.
The little socialite in the house (Kinley) has a very busy weekend this weekend. She has 2 birthday parties & a girls night to the movies. Busy, busy!
Daniel on the otherhand has been rapped up in the World Series this week. He's like a kids in a candy store!
Will post more later when there is some news of our life!
Been Awhile....
13 years ago
Come link up with the Arkansas Bloggers group. It's not a finished product yet, but it is a start. Maybe perfection will come later:) There are no rules or obligations...just a working list of people with Arkansas or Arkansas-related blogs. Happy New Year!